Connection Contexts
Revisiting pa_context_new()
We've discussed pa_context_new()
in our simple API page. We will disucss it again here, but focusing on PulseAudio SharedMemory mechanisms.
In pa_context_new(), src/pulse/context.c
, we find the following snippet:
if (!(c->mempool = pa_mempool_new(!c->conf->disable_shm, c->conf->shm_size))) {
if (!c->conf->disable_shm)
c->mempool = pa_mempool_new(false, c->conf->shm_size);
if (!c->mempool) {
return NULL;
What the above basically does is that it creates a memory pool, shared or not shared according to configuration. If creation of memory pool failed, and shared memory was requested, a retrial is made to create the memory pool with shared memory off. If both ways failed, the initialization simply fail.
pa_context *pa_context_new_with_proplist(pa_mainloop_api *mainloop, const char *name, pa_proplist *p) {
pa_context *c;
c = pa_xnew0(pa_context, 1);
/* Appliaction name, as passed from pa_simple_new() */
if (name)
pa_proplist_sets(c->proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME, name);
c->system_bus = c->session_bus = NULL;
c->mainloop = mainloop;
c->playback_streams = pa_hashmap_new(pa_idxset_trivial_hash_func, pa_idxset_trivial_compare_func);
c->record_streams = pa_hashmap_new(pa_idxset_trivial_hash_func, pa_idxset_trivial_compare_func);
c->client_index = PA_INVALID_INDEX;
c->use_rtclock = pa_mainloop_is_our_api(mainloop);
PA_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(pa_stream, c->streams);
PA_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(pa_operation, c->operations);
c->error = PA_OK;
c->conf = pa_client_conf_new();
pa_client_conf_load(c->conf, true, true);
c->srb_template.readfd = -1;
c->srb_template.writefd = -1;
return c;
As you can see from above, what this simply does is to initialize
the different pa_context
structures. This is also where the
client libraries read and parse contents of the pulse-client.conf(5) file, which usually resides at ~/.pulse/client.conf
This is the most important function, where actual connections are being made to the server
int pa_context_connect(
pa_context *c,
const char *server,
pa_context_flags_t flags,
const pa_spawn_api *api) {
if (server)
c->conf->autospawn = false;
server = c->conf->default_server;
c->no_fail = !!(flags & PA_CONTEXT_NOFAIL);
c->server_specified = !!server;
if (server) {
if (!(c->server_list = pa_strlist_parse(server))) {
pa_context_fail(c, PA_ERR_INVALIDSERVER);
goto finish;
} else {
char *d;
/* Prepend in reverse order */
/* Follow the X display */
if (c->conf->auto_connect_display) {
/* Add TCP/IP on the localhost */
if (c->conf->auto_connect_localhost) {
c->server_list = pa_strlist_prepend(c->server_list, "tcp6:[::1]");
c->server_list = pa_strlist_prepend(c->server_list, "tcp4:");
/* The system wide instance via PF_LOCAL */
c->server_list = pa_strlist_prepend(c->server_list, PA_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_PATH PA_PATH_SEP PA_NATIVE_DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCKET);
/* The user instance via PF_LOCAL */
c->server_list = prepend_per_user(c->server_list);
pa_context_set_state(c, PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING);
r = try_next_connection(c);
What the above code does is very simple. The client followsi the following algorithm for connecting to the server:
- Build a list of possible server addresses, in least-priority-first order
- If configured, find where the X server is running, and store the address
- If configured, add local host TCPv4 and TCPv6 addresses. Libraries will automatically connect using default port 4713
- Then add the location of the system-wide instance socket (Assuming PA daemon runs in system mode, the client libraries cannot know). This translates to the following location:
- Then in the highest-order position, put the current user-instance socket. This usually resides at
After building such linked list of server addresses, the client library tries to connect to them in reverse order, starting from the user instance socket up to X server address.
Finding user sockets
Finding the user instance socket deserves some attention. Such sockets are discovered by prepend_per_user()
defined in src/pulse/context.c
static pa_strlist *prepend_per_user(pa_strlist *l) {
char *ufn;
/* The per-user instance */
if ((ufn = pa_runtime_path(PA_NATIVE_DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCKET))) {
l = pa_strlist_prepend(l, ufn);
return l;
symbol translates to the pulseAudio socket name "native". So what the above does is to call pa_runtime_path("native")
char *pa_runtime_path(const char *fn) {
return get_path(fn, false, true);
/* [Book Note: I've strippped code parts where fn is Null, or
* prepend machine ID (/etc/machine-id) is true. Our code path
* actually send the string "native" here as fn and prependmid
* as false */
static char *get_path(const char *fn, bool prependmid, bool rt) {
char *rtp;
// [Book Note: pa_getruntime_dir() usually returns
rtp = rt ? pa_get_runtime_dir() : pa_get_state_dir();
canonical_rtp = rtp;
// [Book Note: This returns $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/pulse/native ]
r = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s" PA_PATH_SEP "%s", canonical_rtp, fn);
return r;
And as usual, $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
returns /run/user/$UID
. And instead of of taking our notes at heart value, let's check the code of pa_get_runtime_dir()
char *pa_get_runtime_dir(void) {
char *d, *k = NULL, *p = NULL, *t = NULL, *mid;
mode_t m;
/* The runtime directory shall contain dynamic data that needs NOT
* to be kept across reboots and is usually private to the user,
* except in system mode, where it might be accessible by other
* users, too. Since we need POSIX locking and UNIX sockets in
* this directory, we try XDG_RUNTIME_DIR first, and if that isn't
* set create a directory in $HOME and link it to a random subdir
* in /tmp, if it was not explicitly configured. */
m = pa_in_system_mode() ? 0755U : 0700U;
/* Use the explicitly configured value if it is set */
d = getenv("PULSE_RUNTIME_PATH");
if (d) {
if (pa_make_secure_dir(d, m, (uid_t) -1, (gid_t) -1, true) < 0) {
pa_log_error("Failed to create secure directory (%s): %s", d, pa_cstrerror(errno));
goto fail;
return pa_xstrdup(d);
/* Use the XDG standard for the runtime directory. */
d = getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR");
if (d) {
k = pa_sprintf_malloc("%s" PA_PATH_SEP "pulse", d);
if (pa_make_secure_dir(k, m, (uid_t) -1, (gid_t) -1, true) < 0) {
pa_log_error("Failed to create secure directory (%s): %s", k, pa_cstrerror(errno));
goto fail;
return k;
/* XDG_RUNTIME_DIR wasn't set, use the old legacy fallback */
Connecting to the actual sockets:
As we've seen in the implementation of pa_context_connect()
, after this method prepares the list of servers it needs to connect to, it calls try_next_connection(c) to connect to the sockets provided in the configuration server list build earlier. Let's inspect try_next_connection()
static int try_next_connection(pa_context *c) {
char *u = NULL;
int r = -1;
for (;;) {
u = NULL;
c->server_list = pa_strlist_pop(c->server_list, &u);
if (!u) {
if (c->do_autospawn) {
if ((r = context_autospawn(c)) < 0)
goto finish;
/* Autospawn only once */
c->do_autospawn = false;
/* Connect only to per-user sockets this time */
c->server_list = prepend_per_user(c->server_list);
/* Retry connection */
pa_log_debug("Trying to connect to %s...", u);
c->server = pa_xstrdup(u);
if (!(c->client = pa_socket_client_new_string(c->mainloop, c->use_rtclock, u, PA_NATIVE_DEFAULT_PORT)))
c->is_local = pa_socket_client_is_local(c->client);
pa_socket_client_set_callback(c->client, on_connection, c);
The above code, does a host of important stuff:
- If we tried every socket address in the server list, and the connection failed, then to the best of our understanding, no PA instance is running. In this case, if autospawn=on, the libraray code spawns a user instance of the daemon. In the next iteration, it tries connecting to this autospawned session instance
- Once we are able to connect to any of the PA socekts, we register our callback
and exit the method happily
The careful reader, while checking the explanation above, will wonder: how does PA client code differentiate between a Unix domain socket and a classical TCP/IP socket while connecting above?
The key to answering this question is that the observation that when PA added TCP/IP localhost server addresses, it added the prefixes "tcp4" and "tcp6" with them.
Delving into the implementation of pa_socket_client_new_string()
defind at src/pulsecore/socket-client.c
pa_socket_client* pa_socket_client_new_string(pa_mainloop_api *m, bool use_rtclock, const char*name, uint16_t default_port) {
if (pa_parse_address(name, &a) < 0)
return NULL;
if (!a.port)
a.port = default_port;
switch (a.type) {
if ((c = pa_socket_client_new_unix(m, a.path_or_host)))
start_timeout(c, use_rtclock);
case PA_PARSED_ADDRESS_TCP4: /* Fallthrough */
case PA_PARSED_ADDRESS_TCP6: /* Fallthrough */
And pa_parse_address()
does the type classiification according to the server address prefix. This is defined at src/pulsecore/pulseaddr.c
int pa_parse_address(const char *name, pa_parsed_address *ret_p) {
const char *p;
if (*p == '/')
else if (pa_startswith(p, "unix:")) {
p += sizeof("unix:")-1;
} else if (pa_startswith(p, "tcp:")) {
ret_p->type = PA_PARSED_ADDRESS_TCP4;
p += sizeof("tcp:")-1;
} else if (pa_startswith(p, "tcp4:")) {
ret_p->type = PA_PARSED_ADDRESS_TCP4;
p += sizeof("tcp4:")-1;
} else if (pa_startswith(p, "tcp6:")) {
ret_p->type = PA_PARSED_ADDRESS_TCP6;
p += sizeof("tcp6:")-1;